Friday, March 13, 2015

Seven banks in Indonesia In "Top 500 Banking Brands, 2014"

Jakarta--as many as seven banks in the homeland success ranked in global TOP 500 Brand 2014 "the occasions by Brand Finance Plc, a world class brand valuation consultancy. At the event, Brand Finance Plc sort the ranking of the largest banks in the world based on their brand value. Results ranking it could arguably reflect trends in the industry (banking) as well as an indication of its development in the future. Mere information, three among the seven banks are the bank of Red plates, namely, Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) and Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). At the event, Bank Mandiri successful voted "Brand Bank" number 1 in Indonesia the most value. According to a study of Brand Finance Plc, displacement category Bank Mandiri became a brand value of US $ 1.5 billion is a significant improvement. Improvement of the position of Bank Mandiri is getting "sturdy" to maintain its position as the Bank's "Brand" number wahid in the country in 2015. Managing Director of Brand Finance Asia Pacific, Samir Dixit menungkapkan, brand of banking in Indonesia accumulatively collecting value brand for US $ 5.08 billion. With the value of the collection, banking in Indonesia are collectively managed was ranked 4th in the ASEAN region. The 5th position occupied by banking in the Philippines who pocketed the value brand of US $ 1.38 billion. "Indonesia's banks managed to increase their brand value combinations beyond 2013, with significant contributions from Bank Mandiri," he said, Wednesday, March 31, 2014. Samir added, Bank Mandiri is currently in a very strong position to occupy ranking 3rd to 4th in the ASEAN Banking Brands. With capital owned Bank Mandiri have strong to challenge kans some banks came from Singapore and Malaysia. Outside the kans, in 2014, the strength of the brand banking on the ground Water will be tested significantly. Samir explains, the growth of gross dmestik product (GDP) to slow in the last four years, credit growth forecast below expectations, weak currencies, high interest rates, and that Indonesia's debt reached more than U $ 10 billion, which he believes will add to the pressure on the banking industry nationwie. (*) source;

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